Skin Smart Campus

博天堂官方被美国国家皮肤癌预防委员会认定为“皮肤智能校园”. Ensuring the well-being of our students, 我们在校内和校外提供一个安全、健康的学习和生活环境, 保证不让室内晒黑设备进入我们的校园和附属建筑. 我们也推动皮肤癌预防政策和教育.

室内无黑皮肤智能校园倡议是由 the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention in response to the 2014 U.S. 卫生局局长呼吁采取行动预防皮肤癌 得出的结论是皮肤癌风险的增加和室内晒黑的使用之间有很强的联系. 室内晒黑产生的紫外线辐射是完全可以避免的,因此可以采取干预措施,帮助减少与皮肤癌相关的疾病和死亡. 许多研究发现,皮肤癌是美国最常见的癌症类型, 黑色素瘤是年轻人中最常见的癌症之一. 根据国际癌症研究机构工作组的说法, 35岁之前使用室内晒黑设备会使患黑色素瘤的风险增加75%.

Learn more at

Contrary to Popular Belief...

Fact: 正常肤色的任何变化都是皮肤受损的迹象.

Fact: 无论天气如何,涂防晒霜保护自己都很重要.

Fact: 如果你没有涂抹足够的防晒霜(一盎司),防晒效果可能会降低, and a tablespoon worth for your face), do not reapply or do not apply consistently.

Fact: 皮肤癌是美国最常见的癌症类型.

Fact: No one is immune to skin cancer. 有些人可能比其他人有更多的风险因素,但任何人都可能患上这种疾病.

Image of the sun
Icon of a tanning bed and sun with the words "The two main causes of skin cancer are the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and the use of UV tanning beds. #Share the Facts"


Fast Facts

  • 最常见的两种皮肤癌:基底细胞癌和鳞状细胞癌
    • 这些有很高的治愈率,但它可能是昂贵的,并导致皮肤变形.
  • Third most common skin cancer: melanoma
    • 可能是致命的,但如果发现得早,死亡的风险会显著降低.

General Risk Factors

  • Light skin, or skin that burns, freckles, or reddens easily; but skin of all colors can get skin cancer
  • Having a large number of moles
  • Personal or family history of skin cancer
  • History of sun exposure; skin damage is cumulative!
  • History of sunburns, especially in early life
  • History of indoor tanning:
    • 普通的日光浴床释放出的UVA辐射是太阳的2到10倍
    • 在35岁之前使用日光浴床会使一个人患黑色素瘤的风险增加75%

Skin of Color

Skin of Color – includes people of African, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Native American descent

  • 即使你的肤色较深,经常晒黑或很少晒伤,你仍然有可能患皮肤癌
  • 有色人种的皮肤癌通常诊断较晚,使其更难治疗
  • 有色人种的黑色素瘤最常见于手掌, soles of the feet, 甲下(甲下)和甲区
  • No matter your skin tone, UV radiation can lead to skin damage, premature aging, and hyperpigmentation. Protecting your skin is important!

Prevention Tips


Skin Smart Campus - Prevention

  • 在茂密的树冠、遮荫帆或凉亭下寻找阴凉
  • Carry a sun umbrella for personal shade
  • 在海滩或公园时使用弹出式防紫外线罩
  • 只要有可能,在上午10点到下午4点这段时间不要晒太阳 radiation is the strongest
  • Broad spectrum UVA and UVB, SPF 30 or higher
  • 每2小时和游泳后需要重新涂抹一次。 sweating, or toweling off
  • 大多数人都没有涂足够的防晒霜——以一盎司为目标, which is about a palmful
  • 长袖/裤与密集的编织或内置UPF
  • Wide-brimmed hat
  • Closed-toe shoes and socks that cover the ankle
  • Choose sunglasses with a UV protective coating
  • 戴太阳镜有助于保护我们眼睛周围娇嫩的皮肤
  • UV rays can also increase risk of cataracts & macular 变性——保护你的眼睛很重要!

Check the UV index before you head out



Summary of table:

  • 皮肤科医生建议紫外线指数在3及以上时进行防晒

  • 当指数接近6或更高时,最好限制你在阳光下的时间

Resource used for table:

ABCDE Method Assessment

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. 如果及早发现,黑色素瘤是高度可治疗的. Know your skin. Perform a self-exam each month. 你甚至可以让一个伙伴或朋友看看你的背部和头皮. 如果你看到了这些警告信号,马上告诉你的医生.

通过记住你的ABCDEs,你可以评估你的皮肤是否有可能发展成黑色素瘤. ABCDE is an acronym which stands for:



Asymmetry: Has an asymmetrical appearance


Borders: has blurry and/or jagged edges


Color: has more than one color


Diameter: 直径大于铅笔橡皮(6mm或1/4英寸)


Evolution: 经历过大小、形状或颜色的变化


How to do a skin self-exam




Contrary to Popular Belief source: ASDS. (2023). Skin experts. Skin Cancer Myths.

Fast Facts source: The Skin Cancer Foundation. (2023). Skin Cancer Facts & Statistics. = IwAR3r4icfuXoOjTxPX_AaHG8qRosxKMzdmrBMdciB6TmZ1kGisMwLLRyP0OM

图片来源:皮肤癌基金会. (2023). Skin Cancer Awareness Toolkit.

一般危险因素图片来源:皮肤癌基金会. (2023). Skin Cancer Awareness Toolkit.

Page last modified August 8, 2024